Netflix one more time!

We are back to back with Netflix. I hope you enjoyed the last show. The next show is one that I have heard a lot about but never actually watched, so what better time than to start it with you all!

Switched At Birth episode one, season one lets see what will happens. The scene opens with students in a school setting. They are in lab when the teacher instructs the students to stick themselves to drawl blood for a DNA test. How ironic that the title is called switched at birth and they start the show with DNA test. Will the missing person be in the same  class? The main character Bay, comes home to tell her blood type and it does not match her parents. Yikes. Bay continues to question her parents and they go for a genetic testing. The doctor tells that Bay is 99% sure, Bay is not related to them. Two weeks later another family meets Bay’s. There child is named Daphne. Only four minutes in and all this has happened. Will the families switch the children back? Bay is being rude to the Daphne because she has a disability. As the families meet and have lunch together to get to know each other. The two families are very strange and interact not good at all. Daphne and Bay brother become closer together as the play basketball in the background. Bay and Daphne’s switched mother are taking it a little harder, they are not taking the news good. Bay is really emotional. Do you think you would be emotional if you found out your parents were not actually your parents? Bay is starting to go crazy, she is smoking and getting pierces. She feels as if she should be living the life that she was suppose to live. Daphne biological dad comes to the house to offer that Daphne get a surgery to “fix her”. Everyone seems like they are struggling to get adjusted to the change but no one knows the direction to go.  The following day Bay sits outside of Daphne house just to watch. The scene switches to Daphne at basketball practice when she sees John (biological dad) watching. They sit and talk. Do you think John will bring the idea of the surgery up to her? I do not like Bay and her family. The audience is getting to feel that, they do not like Daphne how she is and wants to change her. Daphnes biological parents bring Daphne to the school Bay goes too and she bumps into Bay’s ex boyfriend.  Again Bay shows that she is not okay with the whole Daphne situation she continues to act out. Bay gets arrested and calls her biological parent to come and the parents get into argument on how the kids should have been raised. John and his wife believe that Daphne would have been better with them. This is a hard topic because no one ever knows anything. Daphne talks to her mother on the school tour that her biological parents took her on and the mom rejects the idea of her switch schools so that she fits in with the “regular kids”. Bay went over to Daphne’s to talk and see how they relate on the topic. During Bay’s visit she interacts with her biological parents the audience see hers smile for the first time the whole episode.  Bay ends the story with “So who is my dad?” Major plot twist!

4 thoughts on “Netflix one more time!”

  1. This show sounds so interesting! My cousin told me about it but I haven’t seen it myself. The drama sounds really engaging and definitely something I would be interested in watching. I look forward to your next post!

  2. When Pretty Little Liars was on TV I was obsessed with it and used to watch it every Tuesday. At the end of each episode I would sit there fan girling for 20 minutes after every week and Switched at Birth would come on. Although I never watched it, it being on in the background made me aware of what the show was about and who the cast was. It always seemed like a good show but I never got extremely into it. Maybe I will watch it. Thanks for another recommendation!

  3. I watched this whole show in 6th grade and I loved it!! It’s a really interesting show and I love all the characters (especially Emmett, a guy you meet later one). I love how the show involves romance, friendship, and disabilities.

  4. I swear I’ve watched this show many times, I’m not sure if I’ve ever finished it but I know I’ve watched the first few seasons so many times.

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