1. What do you feel you did well on?

I think the organization of my speech was good, it flowed in a logical, chronological order that made sense. I think I did a good job of looking up and maintaining eye contact with the audience.


2. What are some areas to improve?

I said “um”, “so”, and “like” frequently which was distracting. I also feel that some parts of my speech were repetitive and that I could’ve hastened the pacing a bit.


3. What are three things that happened that you weren’t aware of?

I saw “um, so” a lot, particularly when transitioning between topics.

I frequently gesture with my hands, which can be distracting.

When I looked down at my notes, there were extended pauses that lasted too long.


Overall, I felt my speech was okay. I need to work on omitting filler words from my speech and having a more concise outline to use as my notes to eliminate those extended pauses. Moreover, I used the podium as a crutch. I think it would have benefited me to put my outline on a notecard and step out from behind the podium to interact with the audience more. In terms of pacing, I could have quickened it by memorizing my speech more.