Topic: The Shift of Queer Representation in Television

Purpose: Explore how LGBTQ+ representation has shifted over time, why it’s shifted, and why it matters.

Thesis Statement:  The increased positive representation of LGBTQ+ individuals from the 1990s to today both implies a greater acceptance of them in society and perpetuates their normality. 



Attention Strategy/Orienting Material:

  • Encourage people to think of a time they related to a TV show character
  • “I’m going to discuss the shift of LGBTQ+ representation in media, why it happened, and why it matters.”



  • Establish the shift
    • Early depictions showed LGBTQ+ people as criminals
    • The 1970s-1980s gay characters were shown more positively, but they weren’t main characters
    • 1997 Ellen came out and was the first main character that was gay
      • Laid groundwork for Will and Grace
  • Why media representation has shifted
    • Increased visibility in politics
      • Prevalence of AIDS in the 1980s
      • Public anger after LGBTQ+ targeted hate crimes such as Matthew Shepard
    • More LGBTQ+ people came out as social acceptance increased and it was more normalized
      • Celebrities
  • Why this matters
    • Representation for any minority is important for society to increase their understanding and acceptance of other groups
    • Helps dismantle stereotypes surrounding certain groups of people
      • Give examples of diverse TV shows or movies
    • Media shapes adolescents
      • Find study?



Concluding Remark – Look to the future, emphasize the importance of representation for any minorities in the media, how it affects attitude development of society, but especially young people 


Notes: one slide for each main idea
