Passion – Is it familiar ?


Guava is orginated in Mexico central and South America, but become more popular in Asian countries.
I remember my parents’ saying “Eat Guava, no sickness.” Guava contains vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. It’s amount of vitamin C is 4 times more than orange.
Also, it can prevent cancer.

I like to eat it when it’s hard instead of soft. In Taiwan, I eat Guava with a sauce that is called plum powder.
"plum powder – li hing mui (or just li hing). "
Guava has a sweet, fruit scent. It is a really good snack in summer to bring along.

Every new year when I went back to Taiwan, my family always buy guava. This is a childhood memeory for me which I can never forget.
I don’t like to eat fruit when I was little. So I like to play around with my fruit. Every time when I ate guava, I always try to take out the seed in it (trust me, it is almost impossible to take out.) By taking out the seed, I will just waste my time and basically didn’t eat anything. Then my mom will yelled at me and take away the guava. However, until I know there is a sauce for it, I was in love with this fruit:)

here is the nutrition facts:

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