Welcome: Paws of Friendship!
See our newest member: Paws of Friendship. Meet the org: Paws of Friendship presentation.pptxAnd visit their website.Welcome!!…
See our newest member: Paws of Friendship. Meet the org: Paws of Friendship presentation.pptxAnd visit their website.Welcome!!…
*** taken from APO website*** please see the original APO’s blopost and consider doing a similar activity in your own organization. Great work, APO on leading a reflection activity!Why We ServeBy Abby Johnson and Christian Howard During last week’s meeting,…
During last Friday’s meeting, Council talked about the experience of serving and the experience of doing philanthropy or giving to therapy. We used the S.E.R.V.E. model to frame our thoughts regarding service (ass described by Mark Holbert in a past…
In celebration of Council of LionHearts endorsing Our Community Covenant, Penn State Rotaract hosted a face painting station for the America’s Day for Kids fair on South Allen on Saturday, Oct. 13. Families from the community were provided a…
Above, members of the Council of Lionhearts proudly display our banner in preparation for marching in the Homecoming Parade on October 5th. The We Are Campaign and STATERs worked together to create a service project to help Homecoming be…
We explored the importance of reflection and how it often gets lost. In order to refocus on the importance of reflecting in community service, we reflected on reflection best practices. Types of ReflectionIndividual, Pairing, and GroupHave something to do with…