During last Friday’s meeting, Council talked about the experience of serving and the experience of doing philanthropy or giving to therapy. We used the S.E.R.V.E. model to frame our thoughts regarding service (ass described by Mark Holbert in a past meeting). See SERVE Model-Individual.docx
- What’s on your mind? (In the Head)
- What/who is weighing on your Heart?
- Who is supporting you right now? (Arms)
- What is weighing you down/burdening you? (one Leg)
- What is keeping you grounded? (one Leg)
a. Commonalities
i. Both think about making a difference/helping
b. Differences;
i. Philanthropy:
1. feeling like you can do more
2. thinking about bigger purpose, not individuals
3. raise awareness
4. easily quantifiable
5. validity of charity:–good to be skeptical
a. Charity navigator
ii. Service
1. more “me”
2. camaraderie
3. more individual
4. more internally challenging
5. less selfish?
6. reciprocal relationship
Thoughts? Anything to add or debate?