Julia Pronko

How service became a part of my life: Growing up I was often involved in activities that allowed me to develop a sense of compassion and respect for others. Throughout my childhood, as a Girl Scout and youth group member, I participated in various community service activities that began to foster my enthusiasm for service. Once in high school, I discovered my interest in serving through my school’s chapter of the National Honor Society. The summer before my freshman year at Penn State, I had the opportunity to participate in Urban Service Experience, where I volunteered at several sites in the Philadelphia area with other incoming Penn State freshmen. Through this program, I was encouraged to participate in FreshStart, and this experience encouraged an interest in community service as a Penn State student. As a sophomore, I found a service organization that suited me well, the Penn State Student United Way. I am now proud to be the co-President of this organization! I hope to continue leading a life dedicated to service after I have graduated.

Why I Serve: As someone who is physically capable, I feel it is my duty as a human being to lend a helping hand to anyone. I am able, and if someone is in need I will gladly be there. Not only does my service benefit the recipient, but it makes me more knowledgeable of myself and my surroundings. Through volunteering at Penn State and in the State College area, I have come to know more about this community than I would have without these experiences. Service is something that had become a part of me and my willingness to serve is one of my strongest personal characteristics. I serve in the hopes that I am making the world, or someone’s life, a little bit better each time.

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