With the turn of the year, many people make lists of resolutions. Looking back on my challenges and lessons from the last year, I decided to just choose one major thing to improve on – being a better advocate for myself.
What often comes with trying to be kind and accepting is not seeing the fine line between that and being totally stepped on by others. Although I felt that it happened in several areas of my life, the best example of it is in my leadership of Music Service Club. Through two semesters of officers coming and going, ending up doing almost all the work with Noah, dealing with a club name change, and totally restructuring our exec board, I came to realize that it was all so overwhelming and difficult because I didn’t speak up for what’s right and necessary.
Some of the most important lessons I’ve learned from Council are how to give and receive good criticism and how to communicate exactly what you mean. Heading into this semester of being a leader, my goal is to be firm on requirements and consequences instead of giving way to excuses and lack of respect. And to do this, I’m definitely keeping our Council discussions in mind to be direct and honest – no more sugar-coating, pretending that people are doing a better job than they are, or holding back necessary criticisms.
Our club and all clubs on Council have the wonderful mission of bringing service, happiness, and companionship to our community. As much as our organizations have the duty to serve, our leaders have the duty to develop ourselves to best empower our members. I’m feeling really inspired to become a better leader this year!