Act Four synopsis:
Antipholus of Ephesus sends Dromio of Ephesus to buy a rope’s end to beat Adriana. The goldsmith, Angelo, demands the money Antipholus owes him for the chain. Antipholus denies having received the chain and refuses to pay. The goldsmith has Antipholus arrested. Dromio of Syracuse enters with news of a ship on which he has booked passage. Antipholus of Ephesus sends Dromio of Syracuse to Adriana for money for bail.
Dromio of Syracuse tells Adriana about the arrest of Antipholus of Ephesus. She gives him the money for Antipholus’s bail.
Dromio of Syracuse gives Antipholus of Syracuse the money sent by Adriana. The Courtesan enters and demands the chain that Antipholus is wearing. When he flees, calling her a devil, she decides to tell Adriana that Antipholus is insane.