Ever wonder what makes your body move? Come find out how muscles apply forces to bones to create movement without even thinking about it. Three expert biomechanists will demonstrate how engineering and mathematics can be used to unravel the mysteries of the human body. Biomechanics can be used to better understand complex concepts, improve sport […]
This LionSide Chat is part of our “Majorly Prepared Series.” A college education is one of the most significant investments an individual or family can make for a loved one. Whether a cash investment or an investment subsidized by student loans, graduates will require significant and measurable returns on their investment in education just like […]
Around the world musicians and music lovers enjoy songs by the Beatles, but how did four young men from Liverpool, England become the most popular musical group in the world? Learn how the group’s extraordinary impact was based on the many innovative and beloved songs they wrote and performed. Even though the Beatles did not […]
This LionSide Chat is part of our “Majorly Prepared Series.” Learn how to be part of the artistic community on campus and what Penn State Berks has to offer. Majors: Open to all majors, but presentations from the curator of the Freyberger Art Gallery, Theatre productions, and Art History courses. For more information, visit https://sites.psu.edu/berkshasscareers/ […]
Are you a CAS major or are you thinking about becoming one? Do you have post-graduation goals or are you unsure of your next step? Our CAS alumni are here to help! During this LionSide Chat, a distinguished group of CAS alumni will talk about their career journeys, their shining moments, and some of their […]