How much do Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count Mentors earn?
Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count Mentors earn $14/hour! A typical FWS award for participation in the NLR/NLC is $4000/yr. Summer FWS is awarded independently.
Mentors may never work more than eight hours a day (20 hours/week during fall, spring, and summer semesters). To ensure optimal use of your award through the semester, plan your work schedule before you begin earning funds.
Earnings are not applied as credit on your tuition bill. Wages are direct-deposited into your checking or savings account every two weeks.
Is there a minimum weekly commitment?
Yes. You must commit to tutoring at least 4-6 hours per week throughout the semester. Community Partners have established work schedules with the Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count Program. Please consider your course schedule, site location, and the site’s needs before committing to participate in the program.
Do I need any special experience to qualify for this job?
No. We have found that students from all of PSU’s colleges, studying virtually every subject offered at the University, can make wonderful mentors – whatever their experience to date. What is needed most is commitment, reliability and a passion for supporting the development of young children.
How far are the community partner sites from campus?
Some Community Partner sites are within WALKING distance of the University Park Campus. Several participating sites are conveniently located along the CATA bus route. If you have personal transportation available, we have several Community Partners located outside of walking distance, but within a 20 mile radius of campus.
For students who commute to the University Park Campus from neighboring communities, we have opportunities within the surrounding area including, Bald Eagle, Bellefonte, Penns Valley, Philipsburg, and Tyrone. Please contact Carla Glisan, Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count – Office of Student Aid Coordinator, at and indicate your interest in working as a mentor in one of these communities.
What do Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count Mentors do?
Sites utilize tutors in a variety of ways. Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count Mentors assist and support the Community Partner’s staff, engage directly with the children, and provide one-on-one and/or small-group instruction for children through eighth grade in qualifying community sites. Penn State students select a Community Partner that best fits their interests, qualifications, location and availability. Mentors work to support the children’s development of the core competencies related to early literacy, mathematics, and science skills. More specific job descriptions for each Community Partner are available by visiting the Community Partners page of this website.
What if I am unhappy with my placement?
Your role is to support the development of early literacy, mathematics, and science development for the children at your site under the direction and supervision of a qualified Community Partner Staff member. This may take many forms. Your role is not to be a clerical, administrative or disciplinary aide to the teacher. Of course, everyone works collaboratively at times to make a facility run smoothly, so you may occasionally be asked to help out with clerical tasks, make copies, straighten the room, etc. But if these are the primary tasks your teacher is giving you, you should contact the Program Coordinator. They will help you to discuss your proper role with your site supervisor.
Are there after school hours when I can work?
Yes! Our Community Partners have a variety of days/times in which they have requested mentors. Please review the information on the Community Partners page of this website.
How will I know my placement?
Prior to joining us for an interview, candidates are asked to identify three Community Partners with whom they are interested in working. Throughout the hiring process, consideration is given to identifying Community Partners that best fit with the student’s interests, experience, location and availability.