Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count Community Partners have entered a collaboration with Penn State, allowing Penn State students to earn Federal Work Study while engaging in employment opportunities at their sites. Each of our partnering sites offer Penn State students rich and diverse service learning opportunities.
If your site interested in becoming a Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count Community Partner, please forward the following information to Carla M. Glisan, Nittany Lions Read/Nittany Lions Count – Office of Student Aid Coordinator at
- Your school’s/agency’s Mission Statement;
- Copy of the listing of your school current Board of Directors;
- Copy of your agency’s Federal Internal Revenue Services Certificate of Non-Profit Status [501(C3)];
- Current informational material, including academic calendar and hours of operation (also brochures, handbook, etc.);
- Requested days/times in which LR/LC Mentors will be utilized at your facility; and,
- Specific job responsibilities of the LR/LC Mentor at your facility.