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Posts Tagged ‘wk 9’

  1. Vote for Christopher Lee (not Saruman)

    November 8, 2012 by Lauren Parrott

    Political candidates rely on rhetoric to win them elections. It doesn’t matter what their view is if they can’t convey their message in an articulate and persuasive way.

    This past Tuesday I went to the HUB to vote. I was walking to the polls when I was handed a sheet of paper by a nice looking old man. Apparently he was running for state representative. My initial reaction was that he was smart in targeting us. As college kids, we were probably the largest group with the least interest in whoever won the position he was vying for, and therefore easier to influence.  However, the pamphlet he handed me was a turn-off. The entire sheet was just a list of reasons not to vote for the other candidate; when I wanted to know what he supported.

    In a little box he listed his “values,” which included, clean water, clean elections, women’s rights, and Penn State. He might as well have added puppies and world peace to his “values.”

    After the election, I did some more research on him to see what I could find out. It took me nearly an hour to find out that he was a democrat. His entire election was based off of telling us how awful the “incumbent” was. If he ever talked about himself it was in overreaching claims. For example, the pamphlet said, “He’s on our side” and “Lee supports our values.”

    Persuasion isn’t an easy task. This candidate just seemed to be trying too hard to warrant any believability. Needless to say, he lost.


  2. Ted Talk : Reflection

    November 8, 2012 by Lauren Parrott

    Overall, I’m glad that my speech is over. It wasn’t too torturous. I’m fairly content with the outcome. I wish I would have been able to work out more of my ideas and gotten the wording solid, but I guess I’ll leave that for the paper.

    I did a little bit of an experiment with this paper. I did write out a speech but it was only a rough draft. Basically, I just made bullet-points instead of going word for word like I normally would. I actually didn’t mind winging it as much as I thought I might. Granted, the transitions would have been smoother if I would have had them more concrete. However, that was really just a matter of having more time to develop it.

    I wasn’t quite sure if I did it correctly. It seemed like everyone focused more of the history of it which made me second guess my format. However, for the paradigm shift paper I’ll definitely direct my focus more on the history. I am glad that I have all my ideas laid out for the paper. Now all I have to do is write it!

  3. Vote

    November 8, 2012 by Lauren Parrott

    Weekly challenge: Voting

    This was quite possibly the most strenuous, ground-breaking, display of American spirit that I have ever experienced.

    I got a beautiful Obama sticker, which obviously left me the age-old question of what to do with a sticker.

    I took a pamphlet from what at first appeared to be a nice old man, but turned out to be a scary old politician.

    I got confused by the line and some awful girl skipped me.

    I filled in some SAT style bubbles.

    Then I put my vote in a weird machine that I really didn’t trust.

    I’m starting to realize how uneventful it really was.

    It did make me wonder if any of the college students cared about any of the people they were electing other than the president. I knew that I didn’t. It’s not really fair for the other people running for the smaller offices. There must be other people who are like me; that went to vote for the president and ended up helping some random person into office.

    I would even be a little hurt if I was running for state representative or something. This is your life, this campaign that you’ve been putting all your time and money into, and people don’t care. More than that, people who don’t care are voting for your opposition. I bet you wouldn’t even get a little air time or a back article in the newspaper because the election of your lifetime happened to coincide with some stupid presidents.

    To top it off? Some random teenager is now blogging about how sad your life is and how voting for you was really boring.


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