Organization: Block method
- Short description of the issue presented by both artifacts and background information
- Thesis: While the advertisement and Emma Watson’s speech are both centered around the fight for gender equality, their methods for conveying new insight into the social issue are different.
Body Paragraph 1: “The Autocomplete Truth”
- In-depth description of the artifact, including its visual impact on the audience’s emotions
- Similar to the content of the speech but less casual wording
- Simple design (i.e; use of empty space and few words)
- Less is more for the impact of this artifact
- Intends to shock the audience in hopes that the disappointment of the Google search will inspire change
Body Paragraph 2: Emma Watson’s Speech
- In-depth description of the main talking points in her speech; how she brings new insight into the issue of gender equality by calling for men and boys to join the fight
- Gender equality negatively impacts men, in different ways but are also important
- Highlight the difference that the audience can hear Emma’s own life experience as a woman living in the UK in a highly competitive field of work as well as her upbringing
- Both artifacts convey a similar message, although Emma Watson’s speech is more personal and concerns the HeForShe campaign
- Emma provides a clear solution to the problem at hand
Body Paragraph 3: Clearly distinguish similarities and differences
- Both artifacts originate from the UN Women organization and are within the same 2-year span
- Highlight the prevalent existence of sexism despite decades of progress
- Advertisement brings awareness and is a general call for change, whereas Emma Watson’s speech brings a clear solution to the issue and encourages everyone to join the cause for the well-being of every person that is negatively impacted.
Brief Conclusion:
- Restate thesis (not a direct copy and may be more than one sentence)
- Wrap up main ideas of the comparison of the two artifacts
Very nice outline. The only thing I would suggest is working in more of the lenses in your comparison. How the different uses of the lenses in the artifact contribute to the different motivations and impacts on the audience.
I think the block method is a great fit for your artifacts because they focus on the same overarching issue, but address smaller individual issues. I think it may be difficult for you to apply the visual lens to Emma Watson’s speech. You may be able to highlight how both artifacts hold the viewers accountable. I also like how close the essay by distinguishing the similarities and differences. I think this will help clarify any confusion the readers may have.