Iron Man

Name: Tony stark

Occupation: CEO/Owner of Stark Industries

Films: Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3

Background: Anthony “Tony” Stark is the son of world famous, billionaire, inventor, and weapons developer Howard Stark. He was born into the wealth and title of his family. Tony was generally left alone by his father due to work, but he was still the best thing in Howard’s life. Tony was a young college graduate, and used his knowledge to eventually take over his father’s company Stark Industries. While doing a weapons testing in the Middle East of his new missile, the Jericho, to the US military Tony’s convoy was attacked by a group of armed assailants who called themselves the Ten Rings. During the fighting Tony was struck by shrapnel from one of his company’s explosive weapons. The shrapnel became stuck in his bloodstream and was making its way towards his heart, however a man by the name of Yensin saved Tony by applying an electromagnet inside Tony’s chest cavity. The terrorists then forced Tony to build them their own missile, but Tony instead designed an iron suit of armor that would aid him in an escape attempt. After being rescued he began to upgrade this armor which would eventually come to be known as the Iron Man. Briefly after his rescue Tony soon discovered that it was his loyal friend Obadiah Stane who was responsible for all his troubles. Stane built his own suit of armor based off Tony’s escape plan blueprints. This resulted in a heated fight which nearly killed Tony and destroyed part of the Stark Industry labs. Today, Tony has created over 50 different suits that we know of in the MCU. He is prominently featured in the Iron Man films, the Avengers, and will be in the upcoming Captain America Civil war.
