My Artifact for Rhetorical Analysis Essay

My artifact for my essay is going to be on the trilogy written by John Lewis called March. These books are basically his views and takes on Civil Rights. John Lewis has been around for a long time and is today one of the most well known congressman today. He was one of the freedom riders and was attacked in the march from Selma to Montgomery. I believe this trilogy argues the fight for civil rights and how it has in some ways has changed in his lifetime.

Image result for march by john lewis

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This artifact really stuck out to me because it was the perfect thing to relate to my speech. My speech is on John Lewis and his struggles through the civil rights, and the civic part of it. It mainly talks about the actions and steps he took as a civil rights activist to the congressman he is today. This, on the other hand, is the rhetoric of it all. It is how he reflected all that into writing. It shows how from being a victim from the Civil rights movement, he reflected that and gave back to people by getting even more involved and running for congress.

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