Advocacy Post

The website I chose for an organization that collects money from the public is called Alaska Wildlife Alliance. We were supposed to find an organization that doesn’t really mean much to us. As I am not an animal abuser or anything, I am simply not interested in the wildlife and animal abuse. I am not an animal person in general.

Some logical appeals they gave were statistics of different wild animals that were being abuses. They also gave background on how they started finding these animals, and the risk of this. They stated that if certain wildlife were to continue to be abused, this would ultimately result in extinction. They also presented an ecosystem approach and how it is good for the environment.

Advocacy Project Campaign

For my advocacy project campaign I am doing the same thing as my persuasive essay which is rape culture in colleges and universities. I am planning to make a website as a form of advocating about this subject. I think this subject is important especially as college students. I think we have become desensitized to this topic. This advocacy campaign would either be advocated towards the college students, especially student athletes and fraternity members, or to the counselors that are supposing to be helping victims but making it sound it was their own faults.

Focus for Persuasive Essay

Colleges and Universities should work to help limit the norms of rape culture and get students and staff more educated and make punishments more strict.

I think this subject is very big being that we are in college. This is something that every college and university deals with.  But I feel schools should fix the way this problem is dealt with. For example, at Penn State we get emails every day about a rape that has happened on campus. These emails come in so much that we are desensitized to the topic. We just expect it to happen. Also the place where these sexual assaults happen are just given a slap on the wrist or a  warning, then continue to do the same thing. This is like an on-going cycle. There are also other colleges that make it very difficult for students to even report a rape. Big institutions that don’t want to tarnish their names tend to ignore big problems like these.

Some research questions would include:

  • Sexual assaults each year at big colleges
  • Of those sexual assaults reported, how many students are expelled or suspended?
  • Comparison of students expelled from academic violation and students expelled for sexual assaults