Paradigm Shift With Cell Phones

Paradigm shift is a when there is a change in the normal way of thinking. This change is threatens the old way of thinking and is now considered the norm. Cellphones are a great examples of this. Cellphones have taken over the youth as we know it today. For example, the author starts off with a 13-year old girl and asks her what her ideal definition of “hanging out” is. She basically describes her and her friends on their cell phones with no parental vision or distractions.

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Ā image viaCNet

As few as one generation back, the youth would play outside and enjoy times with their friends. A time with no cellphones and no distractions. Now we have started to the serious effects of over usage of cellphones. It has changed many perspectives in teens’ lives today. This most definitely includes mental health. Many research studies have been said to tie cellphones and socialĀ  media with major mental health problems in today’s society.

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Ā image viaTexas Public Radio


This shift, as seen in the article goes for independence too. It says in the 1970’s, most kids worked to gain their independence. Nowadays children are more dependent on their parents and childhood stretches well into our High School years. Parenting shifts and the economy as well are reasons for the lack of responsibilities in teens which is sadly also starting to become the new way of thinking as well.


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