Mental health can be considered as a paradigm shift. A paradigm shift as defined in the dictionary as “a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.” In the 1800s, mental illness was seen as punishment. If you were mentally ill, you were in need of religion or possessed. There was a negative connotation to mental illness, as people that were mentally ill were institutionalized. There was great stigmatization when it came to mental health. They were neglected and so was the subject. Mental health was really thought of as a “private matter” between families and was not really discussed in the public.

When deinstitutionalization occurred, the idea of mental health came more out to the public. People were less isolated and more exposed. This was mainly because of the harsh conditions they were living in, and it was also cheaper. There is also a big shift when Kennedy signs into law the Community Mental Health act. This act helped change the delivery of mental health services and led to mental health care facilities being built throughout the country. This forced people to talk about the subject instead of avoiding it.

Is there starting to be another shift in mental health? In today’s society, the topic of mental health is growing rapidly. It has evolved even more since then, and is also very controversial with the recent events that have been going on around the United States. Almost every time there is a mass shooting or school shooting, most people claim the shooter has mental health issues. Many can argue that the idea of mental health and mental illnesses today is a common excuse when hate crimes occur.