Welcome back, horrible people! I’m glad you enjoyed my last tragic post enough to want to read more of Mike’s misfortunes. This week is especially tragic, in my opinion, as Mike’s hopes at a second date were set higher than ever before being brought down by the merciless fist of love. Let’s start at the beginning…

In late August, Joey Bada$$ was holding a concert in the HUB lawn free to all students. Mike is an intense Joey fan, and he was already hyped up for the weekend. Then, he met Julia, and the weekend’s forecast skyrocketed past its already high expectations. Despite living on the 7th floor of Martin hall together for a week already, Julia and Mike had not encountered each other until they were both leaving to see Joey perform. Both were surrounded by friends but drifted toward each other chatting the entire long walk from East halls to the HUB lawn. During the concert, he noticed Julia was struggling to see because of her height, but they were still on the friend stage, and Mike was worried he would be overstepping his boundaries. However, he could foresee a flirtationship in the near future.


After the concert, Mike and Julia were not ready to part ways. Their friend groups had dwindled with some deciding to grab food in East dining and others going to walk around downtown. The final three that remained were Mike, Julia, and Julia’s roommate Sarah. They decided to watch Netflix in Julia and Sarah’s room. Keeping it PG13, Mike slipped his hand into Julia’s during the movie and felt his heart race when she leaned into him. Although the night couldn’t be classified as a date, Mike had a sense of success walking back to his room after the movie ended.


The next morning Mike and Julia met up again (Mike just couldn’t wait to see is 7th floor sweetheart!). This day marks Mike and Julia’s first date… to the laundry room. Although not the most romantic setting, Mike claims he needed female help with washing his clothes, and who better to ask than Julia? Quickly, they ended up in Julia’s room again with one less person in the equation. To keep this blog professor-friendly, I will allow your imaginations to run wild (however, I’ll add Mike did not quite hit a homerun). Needless to add, Mike was incredibly pleased with his day with Julia.

Mike received positive vibes the next couple days getting Snapchats from Julia but not engaging in a face-to-face conversation until two days later when they once again ended up in her room to watch Netflix. Sadly, this is where Mike’s good fortune runs out. He leaned in for a kiss and was greeted with rejection. The seven words no one ever wants to hear from their crush left Julia’s mouth: “I think we should just be friends.”

Because the second hangout only lasted five minutes, Mike and I have agreed it does not quite count as a second date. He has never asked Julia what changed her mind and probably will avoid her at most costs until future notice. Until next week, my horrible people!

3 thoughts on “Netflix & Not So Chill

  1. This blog continues to make me laugh, again A+ use of gifs. I would be more weary of some of your spelling and grammatical mistakes though, while it never distracted from the article too much, it was an issue I noticed. Other than that, I look forward to your next entry.

  2. This blog really reminds me of one of the friends I have at Penn State. He is currently in a similar situation, and reading this blog makes me laugh thinking about it. The blog is something different, and I really like it for that. Can’t wait to see what Mike has done in next week’s blog.

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