Happy Halloween, my horrible people! (Halloween is a favorite of mine, so be prepareImage result for halloween gifd for some festivity sprinkled into this post.)  After a two week break from Mike’s misfortunes, we are finally back with another post about his more-trick-than-treat encounters with girls. And, for those of you wondering, Mike is healing up beautifully after his recent accident. Although still concussed, the scratches on his cheek, shoulder, and hand are almost gone, and his stitches were removed today (by a professional even though he begged a girl on our floor to save him a trip the hospital by taking them out herself).

As you know, I left you on a major cliff-hanger in Loveless Laura. Sadly, Laura and Mike are no longer. Despite how strongly he felt, Mike was too nervous to talk to Laura about his feelings, so their spark fizzled out too quickly for a part two. This story is instead an unexpected part two to a previous flame of Mike’s: Emily.

To refresh your memory, Emily was the “prettiest girl [Mike] had ever seen,” and she got added to the Bad Luck pile after leaving Mike for her ex-boyfriend. Although we all see her as a witch after hurting Mike, he still saw her as a boo when she informed Mike of her recent break up. He thought he was lucky to get a second chance with Emily.

Wasting no time at all, Mike and Emily hung out the same week after she officially broke up with her boyfriend. It was platonic at first, but they quickly began to form a connection, stronger than their first time together. (Side note: Do we really believe Mike got over Laura or was he just distracted by Emily? I believe the latter, but Mike claims he was truly done with Laura.) Mike and Emily were together quite often the weeks following her break up. In fact, some of our friends even met the gorgeous Emily (sadly, I did not), but Mike knew he was not the only one in Emily’s sights. She was hanging out with multiple guys at the same time, Mike had competition.

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Mike took the skeleton by the bones accepting the challenge to win Emily’s heart. He was pulling out all his best attempts to woo her. On one of his dates, Mike took Emily to Victoria’s Secret where they spent an hour and a half. An hour and a half spent shopping. If a man is willing to spend that much time shopping, I would say cuff him, but Emily had different plans. Mike didn’t completely win Emily over with their shopping trip. She told Mike that after her recent long-term relationship, she “didn’t know what she wanted.” Go figure!

… But, apparently, that did not mean Emily wanted to stop hanging out with Mike, so she continued to try to see him (and while she continued to see other guys). Luckily, our favorite debonair recognized the spookiness of this situation and stopped getting together with Emily. Go Mike! I think we’ve really seen Mike grow throughout my posts. Until next week, my horrible people!


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