I am particularly excited about this post because, for the first time, I will be posting pictures of some of my own calligraphy!

First, I will start by talking about my new found favorite part of calligraphy: embossing. Embossing is used to give texture and shine to the calligraphy. Embossing powder is made of powdered plastic and, when heated, the plastic melts to create a continuous line. There are several different types of embossing powder. These range from original to ultra thick, though they all basically have the same effect. However, in order to use embossing powder, you will need a few other supplied. The first of these supplies is embossing pens. These pens hold the embossing powder to the paper, but, in my own experience, the embossing powder can easily be removed from the marker line if there is a mistake. Embossing pens usually come in either black or clear. I have yet to see a colored embossing pen, but they may be out there! Another tool needed for embossing is a heat gun. A heat gun, as the name suggests, heats the embossing. This melts the powder and gives it its shiny finish. A heat gun seem pretty similar to a blow dryer, but in use, a heat gun has a weaker air flow which keeps the embossing powder from being blown off the text. Using embossing in calligraphy may be a little expensive, though. Heat guns usually cost around $25. For my embossing set, I got a set of two markers and three powders which together cost another $25.

 Valentine's Day Embossing

Other tools I like to use is, surprisingly, markers. I am not talking about high end, professional artist grade markers. I use Crayola brand, easy wash markers. Another surprise is that I don’t use them to write with. I instead use them to make backgrounds for my calligraphy. These markers can be used to write those. Their slightly firm but also flexible tip makes them good for beginners who are looking to learn calligraphy. They also can easily watered down to make a tie dye effect on paper. I will demonstrate the technique for doing so in a later post. They can also be used to add designs around the calligraphy such as hearts, flowers, or simple swirls. The best part about these markers is that they are cheap! A ten pack of Crayola markers costs only $2.49 at Target, yet have the quality to enhance artwork.

Paint is also another valuable background making tool. It can be used to make a painting to put behind your calligraphy. There is also a technique that I have developed myself that is similar to the technique used for the markers to make a background that can add an interesting element to the calligraphy. This will also be described further in a later post.

Background using paint

Glitter can also be used to enhance calligraphy. It can be used as a background, to just enhance a background, or even to make the actual words of the calligraphy. Everyone is probably familiar with glitter, so I feel that I don’t need to elaborate much further.

Glitter glue calligraphy

This concludes my discussion of tools used for calligraphy. Further posts will discuss techniques and fonts!