
Version 5 of the MID data, which updates the data through 2014, has been sent to the Correlates of War Project for posting.

Note on Formats

The MID data come in four different formats, all of which are included under the download links above:

  1. In the MIDA dataset, the unit of analysis is MIDs (i.e., disputes).
  2. In the MIDB dataset, the unit of analysis is MID participants.
  3. In the MIDI dataset, the unit of analysis is incidents. Many MIDs consistent of multiple incidents. Incident-level data is only available from 1993 onward.
  4. In the MIDIP dataset, the unit of analysis is incident participants.

Dyadic MIDs

To study many research questions, it is useful to have MIDs in dyadic format. For reasons explained on our Related Datasets page, we recommend using the MIDIP incident-participant data to create dyadic MIDs for the years 1993-2010, and using the Dyadic MID dataset produced by UC-Davis to obtain dyadic MIDs for the years 1816-1992. Stata code for combining these data sources is available here. Users of the combined data should cite both the Dyadic MID dataset article of record and the MID 4.3 article of record.