Civic Issue Blog Idea

For my civic issue category, I am choosing to discuss the area of education. The theme of my blog will be discussing the roles and responsibilities of a modern education. I hope to explore themes related from elementary all the way up to the collegiate level, but I am going to maintain focus on the responsibility that the modern education system has to help and prepare students. I hope to discuss issues such as standardized testing and explore if it is responsible to so heavily test students and put so much emphasis on those tests. Additionally, I want discuss whether or not the modern public school system should educate students on topics like bullying and diversity. Furthermore, another topic that can be explored is whether or not a modern education is responsible to include a college or technical education as well. There are an additional number of topics that can be explored when it comes to what a modern education system should include and provide for students. In an ever changing world, students and citizens alike require a new set of tools to be prepared to be contributing and active members of society. The question remains however, how much responsibility is on the education system to provide students with these tools. Ultimately, with heavy criticism and sometimes controversy surrounding the way the modern education system is run. By discussing and exploring these topics hopefully some insight and possibly resolution can be found for the civic issue of the role of a modern education.

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