3- Richard Brandson

The next person I would like to discuss is Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson famous British investor, business magnate, author and philanthropist who founded the Virgin Group, and controls more than 400 different companies.

Branson even as a young boy had a taste for adventure and expressed desires to become an entrepreneur and had his parents support from an early age. He started his very first business venture just at the age of 16, this was a magazine called Student. Later on, in 1970 Brandon had set up a mail order record business, he would go on to open a chain of record stores named Virgin Records, later renamed Virgin Megastores. This Virgin brand had robust growth in the 1980s he was able to form Virgin Atlantic airline and later expanded the Virgin Records music label. Branson would be knighted in 2000 by Queen Elizabeth II for his services to entrepreneurship. He had become a very prominent figure for all of his work ranging from music, transportation, and retail along with his interests in air, land, sea, and space travel. He would be named in the 2002 100 Greatest Britons by BBC and continues his work with space travel. In 2004 he founded Virgin Galactic his spaceflight corporation which has had huge progress in finds ways to make normal travel into space possible. As of June 2018, Forbes estimated Branson’s net worth at $5.1 Billion.

As a child Richard Branson did not know he had Dyslexia he and most others simply thought he was stupid, he wouldn’t find out until later in life that he had a learning disability. He was beaten by the headmaster of his school on a regular basis for not being able to do his work, this is extremely distressing how students with learning disabilities used to be treated. It makes me feel so lucky to be born in this time and into my family that gave me so much support in order for me to rise above and succeed. He talks about in interviews that in his time if someone was not good traditional school work it was designed to make them feel stupid. He feels inspired by other people who have Dyslexia such as Winston Churchill who was able to rise above his difficulties and run a country but save if from destruction.  His advice for children who are struggling in school is to think really hard and find something they’re good at work hard and become really good at it. He says he wouldn’t change anything in his life he feels blessed to give such a good time and feels that Dyslexia did not hold him back but was actually an advantage.

2 thoughts on “3- Richard Brandson

  • September 20, 2018 at 4:52 pm

    It is kind of amazing how many people are affected by Dyslexia that you would not know. It really shows how just because someone has dyslexia does not mean that they cannot be some of the most successful people in the world! (5.1 billion dollar net worth? I wish!) I find it really sad that he was beaten or people just simply considered stupid. In my opinion, as time goes on, being dyslexic is “okay” and people are eager to help you reach your full potential. It just goes to show how anything is possible if you work hard for it!

  • September 20, 2018 at 5:48 pm

    I’m so glad that you’re shedding light on this sort of topic! I commend your ability to openly discuss dyslexia and incorporate others who have faced similar challenges. This post is not only inspiring for those who have a learning disability but any disability mental or physical. Seeing people with this level of success even after facing their span of challenges is super uplifting. Great post!


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