Last week, a hair company called Bellami Hair posted this picture and caption to their Instagram page following the Jordyn, Kardashian situation that we all know about.
They used this beautiful woman of color as a joke to sell and promote their product, claiming that she is an example of having “bad hair”.
The real problem stems from the fact that Bellami Hair is a hair company that typically caters to caucasian women due to the texture of their hair extensions and the looks of their Instagram page.

However the one time they post a woman of color its to ridicule her. This angered the black community and Bellami Hair received a lot backlash in the comment section.
This also angered the black community because it implied that Jordyn’s short natural hair isn’t beautiful and that black women need extensions to look good. I personally can’t think of anything that makes her hair look “bad” in the photo. Her hair texture may be different from their target audience but it is far from ugly.
After receiving so much backlash from the natural hair community, Bellami Hair decided to post a lengthy apology to their Instagram story stating that they are sorry for using a poor choice of words and apologize to anyone they may have offended.
I for one am definitely offended. One because they aren’t sorry for posting it but obviously just want to put an end to the backlash they are receiving. I don’t believe their apology due to the fact that they are known for working with YouTuber Nikita Dragun, who posted this to her twitter.

They are also known for working with Kylie Jenner in the past, so of course they are on her side.
Bellami Hair then went on to say they are trying there best to expand their hair textures to accommodate all different races and hair textures. However, I know this isn’t really true, but simply a way to make them look better the media’s eye.
I do not accept Bellami Hair’s apology because black people are ridiculed all the time in the media and an apology is not going to make me forgive and forget.