Sharing my class work


I’ve been rather quiet in the blogosphere of late. This is in no small part thanks to the class I’ve been taking, ADTED 532: Research in Distance Education. Yesterday was my last day of class, and I handed in my final paper entitled Becoming a Network Organization: An Extended Research Proposal. This paper is available on this blog, listed under Writings on the left-hand side of this page. I’ve also put up all the other writing I did for the class. I invite your perusal and comments. My intention is to eventually go back through ANGEL and retrieve all my class assignments for posting here. I want to share my work; I work really hard at it. And while the feedback and discussion I get from my classmates within the confines of ANGEL is absolutely invaluable, I’m interested in seeing what others might think. (I also feel more like I’m taking ownership of my work by collecting it here.)

By the way, ADTED 532 is the last graduate class I needed to earn the 18 credit Distance Education certificate. Hooray! Next I will be applying for formal admission into the Adult Education master’s degree program. Wish me luck.