
I’ve been working on organizing my blog a bit in order to consolidate more of my writings from my graduate classwork  here at Penn State. I started this process last semester but sort of let the ball drop a bit. Well now I can say I’m officially caught up! You’ll see among the items on the left under Writings are two papers on mentoring and training colleagues and a lengthier paper entitled “Proposal: A Social Learning and Collaboration Platform.” I was prompted to add these items as I prepare my formal application materials for the graduate degree program. These were all papers or essays written to fulfill requirements of classes in the Distance Education certificate program, really a stepping stone for the full master’s degree in Adult Ed. I fully intend to continue the process of sharing my classwork here on this blog as I continue my coursework (pending admission of course!) I feel that my work and intellectual growth will be enriched by the comments and critiques of my colleagues and friends as well as my classmates. As I read back on some of my work, I get excited about the possibilities that going “back to school” will bring in terms of my personal and professional growth!

Post Script: In an effort to organize all my formal course work better for later reference, I “tagged” all my writings by topic and by class. Unfortunately it seems the Movable Type tag cloud widget used at Penn State does not include page tags along with blog entry tags. I don’t want to post my formal class writings as blog posts (which I tend to think of as being more informal). Does anyone have a solution to this? I have submitted this to official Blogs support, but perhaps crowdsourcing will yield a creative solution as well. :)