RCL Post 10/16

Niko Plesons


RCL 10/16/14

As I have looked into potential topics for Project 3, our paradigm shift essay, it has been a difficult thing to narrow down. I want to find something that I am very interested in and can find intriguing points to bring to the table to write a proper essay. I have been struggling to find a topic of this description, but because of our discussions in class I have some ideas on what I may like to write about.

I’ve considered writing about popular trends and how they have drastically changed with the coming in of new technology and new ways of life. New styles, in clothing and in what is considered, “cool or popular.” New ideas, things like scientifically figuring out how to space travel effectively to see if there is other life besides our own on earth. The ideas are endless when considering the idea of paradigm shifts in response to new technology and ways of being.

Perhaps however, I don’t want to look at technology and its changes on society. Perhaps I want to examine change in the relations of people, such as the courtship we discussed in class. This interests me greatly too because I care a lot about respect and perhaps I could even learn a thing or two about respect and similar ideals by researching the paradigm shifts over time of people and their relations with one another. It could benefit me in ways other than just having a topic to write about, which is something I am interested in. I’ll continue to research more what ideas I want to pursue but part of the paradigm shift I’ve recognized in relations and people comes from the change in respect youth show their elders as well as the change in respect for the opposite sexes.



Response to Hutchinson

I couldn’t agree more with David Hutchinson’s ideas regarding needing change in the educational system regarding types of learning. I personally am a student who considers myself to bee intelligent enough to get by in most circumstances, but I have never been one to easily memorize data. This has made my education a lot more challenging because the current educational system revolves around memorization and factual knowledge, not higher level thinking and application. I agree with the points Hutchinson expresses when he states that education can be changed to drastically improve by changing the way we teach and learn. This needs to be done, well and effectively, or we will be stuck with another, “good idea, with a deeply flawed execution.”

I have seen many of my peers resist the high stakes testing in regards to exams like the SAT and ACT. Some do not even take them because they are afraid their scores will hinder their chances of attending certain schools, and end up attending city colleges and transferring instead. These kids sacrifice two years of potential attendance at the universities of their dreams, to avoid taking these high stakes high rewards examinations. This topic, along with the necessity for change in our educational system as a whole, doesn’t get much discussion because there is so much that has to be done and so much progress that needs to be made. Like Hutchinson said it is not a simple fix in a day or two, it will take time. We just need to figure out where to start, and get to work.

2 thoughts on “RCL Post 10/16

  1. I agree with Mackenzie. Discussing the change in respect would be an interesting topic that would both fulfill the project’s requirements and help you discover some new knowledge along the way. I would love to read more about that.
    For the Common Core post, I agree that many people are scared of the SAT and/or the ACT. Many of my friends went to their testing centers scared and walked out when they finished worried about whether or not they did well. I had that fear while I was taking the test as well too. However, now with the changes on the SAT, it should not be that scary anymore, as it now tests knowledge that is more utilized in college. Even with the change, I feel that the stress of the test will motivate you to do well, and help you focus as you prepare for it. For the people who do not take it, I agree that they are wasting time at a lower level college, instead spending their time at the college of their dreams.

  2. After reading both of your ideas for the paradigm shift essay, I think that your second one sounds the most promising. It sounds like a topic you really value; it is definitely a discussion that impacts and involves everyone in our country. Would you argue that the American youth have lost respect for their elders? I would be interested to hear what you think, along with your thoughts about respect between opposite genders. As for your Hutchinson response, I definitely agree with you. I find it astounding that people don’t take the SAT simply because they are so nervous about the high stakes. I definitely share in their fear of standardized testing but I didn’t know that students could get by without taking them.

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