Did You Know Our Nutritional Behaviors Affect Our Children?

Anymore, most people don’t just eat food. They have to count calories or think about which foods to eat in order to get the ideal body image they desire. People think about which diets will produce the results they want in the shortest amount of time possible. Some don’t even think about the nutritional benefits of certain foods. However, Elizabeth’s Enjoy Every Bite blog does the exact opposite. She shares information for a healthier, nutritious lifestyle in a variety of different way.

The blog is very easy to navigate and simple, yet professional. The plain white background and the easy to read font definitely portrays that. Her eye catching pictures for each blog draw your attention to each individual post and the informal nature with her readers is also extremely appealing. Elizabeth is so informal that she doesn’t even provide her readers with her last name in her about me.

The pictures for the posts and the titles are very direct, yet some still speak to her readers. Elizabeth’s post about “How Your Diet Affects Your Child’s Body Image” definitely caught my attention. It’s something I never would have thought about before I actually read her post. She even includes the source of her information from the U.S. News article on Health, which is also very interesting. Most people wouldn’t even give a second thought to their body image behaviors affecting their own children’s behaviors. Sadly, the article and Elizabeth’s post tell her readers how much of a negative effect it can have.

Elizabeth has a point. Children today are majorly influenced by everything around them, whether it’s their parents, friends, teachers, or the media. They listen and act on what they hear. Seeing their parents and older siblings fretting over their own body image truly doesn’t help children with their ideas. Elizabeth talks about how children should learn about healthy habits and to love their own body regardless of what their body image is. They shouldn’t compare themselves to other children because they will never be satisfied with their results. Elizabeth is a great example of that and she recalls her own personal childhood experience with body images.

After reviewing multiple blogs before seeing Elizabeth’s, I have seen many different ideas of how to display blogs. Elizabeth’s was my favorite because it was more professional looking, but still inviting. Not only are her post informative, but she also posts recipes for different needs and her weekly menu. In time, I hope to model my posts after hers and hope to be a little creative.


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