Our generation..

During our last AAAS class, one of my biggest take aways was what can be accomplished when people cohesively cooperate with one another to put their thought, energy and effort towards a common goal. This idea was just a part of two small exercises that encompassed the greater meaning previously stated. First, we had to individually think of certain cities that harbored specific memorials, historical statues, and famous landmarks. Out of twenty-five cities I don’t think there was one student that knew over eight of those twenty-five cities. When we repeated the exercise as a group we practically tripled the average of what each had come up with individually. One of the points that {whatever his name was} definitely drove home was that we were all individually smart but our singular efforts can not compare to all of us working towards a shared objective.

This is extremely important for all of us to realize and understand. Knowing that we are surrounded by people who are just as bright and focused as one another helps a lot when we get overwhelmed. Speaking from experience at times I feel like its all on me to have to handle on my own, but that’s not true. Be it academically, mentally, socially, or spiritually there is someone around that can aid us in whatever we are trying t accomplish. With that knowledge, none of us should ever be hesitant to go to any one of our peers, professors, and other mentors who we believe can help us.

Beyond those lessons we explored the possibilities and the opportunities of the coming world. The video the class watched made several projections about what was to come in the next couple of years, and urged how all the bad things we here about the future of the Earth: global warming, energy and water limits, clean air limits are all problems that we have the power to solve. And some of the problems may not even come into existence if we continue to practice our current efforts of good waste disposal and clean air practices.

This last AAAS class was in a way an encouragement. Not only to just know who we had around us each and every day, but also, what we have coming to us in the years to come.


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