2nd Day of SHO TIME

Houston, we have lift-off!

WOW. That is all I can say about Day 2. I’m exhausted, but only because I had such an amazing, packed, exciting, busy, fun (you get the idea) day. My little freshies are truly awesome people, I am humbled and honored to be one of their mentors (shout-out to my co-mentor, Corinne!) during their SHO TIME. I can’t wait to see how we all grow and bond as a group on Day 3 and in the coming years.

Loooooong day for Day 2. I am so proud of my group, everyone was at every event and we even made it to breakfast on time! (Still half-asleep though haha). One of my favorite parts of the morning was the dance break between the two events in 100 Thomas, it was so much fun getting up and dancing around the room with my fellow mentors and a few brave freshmen. 🙂

Dinner was a fun time for all of us, my group really enjoyed going through the involvement fair, and I enjoyed watching them find clubs and activities I know they will love being a part of. And then the day culminated with the Brain Show. My group (and me too!) had an absolute BLAST at the Brain Show, I think just about every one of my freshmen went up to participate at least once. They were having such a good time all day, I think they were sad to see the day end. But Day 3 will be just as packed with fun activities, and I cannot wait to see what happens next!

Houston, over and out.

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