Hello all, here’s what happened at the first outing club meeting of the year! We will be meeting every Tuesday at 8 pm in 108 Henderson for the rest of the semester.
We found that PSOC members enjoy pet caterpillars, black coffee, and fond childhood memories of meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Guest Presentations
Outdoors School – Want to spend a week at camp teaching fifth graders about nature this fall? Want to get course credit for it? Apply to ODS by September 9th for an experience that I can personally guarantee is incredible. MORE INFO HERE
AURORA – PSOC’s Faculty adviser Jen Bean is hiring guides for her wilderness orientation program for incoming freshman and transfer students. You could spend your late summer guiding backpacking trips and facilitating group togetherness in scenic places like Rothrock, New Hampshire’s White Mountains, and The Olympic National Park. The best part is, you’d even get paid! MORE INFO HERE
Adventure Literature – You could your english credits by being bored to death in a classroom, or you could take Adventure Literature and get your english credits doing fun stuff outside like kayaking, camping, and exploring different areas. Space remain’s for this fall’s “Sailing the Chesapeake Bay” section, which meets once a week on Wednesday night. MORE INFO HERE
Upcoming Events
Black Forest Trail — Sep. 4-7 — A crew of 10 hikers is preparing to hike a 42 mile loop around the PA Grand Canyon this weekend. This trip is full.
King of the Beach — Sep. 11-13 — Officers Kelly and Pat are planning a camping trip to Assateague National Seashore in Maryland. Will involve short hikes, swimming, relaxation, sand, and surf punk. Expect a $20 to $30 trip fee to cover gas and campsite costs.
email Kelly Culliney to sign up at kmc5949@psu.edu
Freshman Mt. Nittany Hike — Sep. 14 — Fresh Historian Zach will be leading a big old group of freshman, new members, and anyone who wants to influence PSOC’s most impressionable youth to the summit of Mt. Nittany. This will only take a couple hours in the late afternoon. email Zach with questions or to sign up at zjw5042@psu.edu
CPR/AED and First Aid Classes — Sep 20, 21, and 23 — If you want to become a safety officer, Penn State Aquatics is offering these classes at a subsidized cost of $80. Sign up quick! MORE INFO HERE
Cookout — On a date to be determined, we’ll be holding a cookout at sunset park. Come hang out, meet some club members, and have fun! We’ll have slack lines, frisbees, hammocks, and maybe even some informational sessions.
Physical challenge
8 volunteers were given 3 minutes to run out and return with the biggest leaf they could find. Alys won a vintage vinyl copy of “A Go Go Discotheque” with her virginia creeper, and our runner up Ed got the record sleeve for the “Get Fit While You Sit” program for a classic elm leaf.
If you want to become an official member, please come to the next meeting with a completed participation agreement (in pen), and club dues in cash ($30 for year, $20 for one semester). All members must have health insurance, but are no longer required to provide proof.
Benefits of membership include:
– being able to go on trips
– free gear rental from Penn State Adventure Recreation
– 10% discount at Appalachian Outdoors
– discounted Rock Climbing at the State College YMCA
– being irresistibly attractive
– being involved in a community of outdoors-people at Penn State!
Safety Officers
&nbs! p; – Provide scanned copies of your certifications for CPR/AED and First Aid. Certifications are only accepted from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and the Emergency Care and Safety Institute.
– Complete Safety Officer Form
– Complete Vehicle Authorization Form
– Submit and print the Vehicle Authorization Form and have it signed by the vehicle owner (whoever’s name is on the registration)
– Provide scanned copies of your up-to-date Vehicle Registration, Auto Insurance, and Driver’s License
Be sure to join the facebook group: https://www.face! book.com/groups/psoutingclub/