Civic Issue Blog: Ideas

Civic Issues Blog Ideas: Sustainability

  • Climate Change: Assessing Legislative Solutions (Green New Deal, Carbon Offsetting, Economic Strain)
  • Climate Change: As a Collective Action Problem

“This I Believe”

  • “We need more restrictive gun laws, violators need to be held accountable”
    • A fellow student in my town was shot and killed when he and his friend were alone in a house messing around with a loaded gun they had stolen from a parent. 
  • “America’s ideals of democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality have shifted dramatically under Trump’s Leadership”
    • Comparative Standpoint, the rise of Boris Johnson

Passion Blog

  • Nature/National Parks Blog 
    • My respect and appreciation for nature are derived from my time spent in Scouting (12-18 years old). Scouting taught me many of my life skills but also how we, as humans, should interact with nature. The principles of “Leave no trace” and “Leave it better than you found it” when applied by would leave us with a sustainable planet. Now, more than ever, the implications of our actions against nature are coming to fruition. Irreversible Climate Change is/will shortly be in effect. I would cover a range of topics in this blog, namely, The Green New Deal, An Exemplar Camping Experience, Climate Change, and The role of Corporations and the Environment.
  • Fencing Blog Continuation
    • Fencing Collegiately vs High School 
    • Fencing NCAA: A marathon. 

3 thoughts on “Civic Issue Blog: Ideas”

  1. I enjoy your this I believe for gun laws would be very interesting as I’m also passionate about it as well. For your passion, I would be really interested in reading about the scouting side of your passions to show the skills you learn.

  2. I love both of these civic issue blog ideas! I’ve read a lot about how collective action results from our monadic psychologies and I think this is extremely relevant when discussing sustainability issues/climate change. We are all subject to the existential threat of climate change, so expounding means of collective actions would be interesting.

    Discussing the “Trump effect” in your podcast would be interesting. I think post-2016 America has very intersectional issues relating to all of the ideals you listed. One concern I would have it somehow creating a narrative to explore these large, national issues.

    Both passion blog ideas would be entertaining!

  3. I think that taking your civic issue blog on a more legislative path like you first said would help to keep the topic consolidated, while also keeping it relevant to the present day! If you emphasize the “assessing” aspect, I think you could generate some really meaningful discussions from it.
    As for your “This I Believe” speech, I think that your personal story about the student from your hometown could be a powerful anecdote to help carry your message along within the podcast. That sounds devastating and will definitely be a strong foundation to support your belief.
    Though both passion blogs would be entertaining, I think the fencing idea is super unique! As someone who knows almost nothing about fencing, I would be interested in learning more about it each week.

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