Normally I try to keep my more controversial political beliefs in the dark when talking to people. But with this being our last blog post of the semester, I figured why not bring it up, especially with the exciting news I just found out about part of it.
This past year I decided to branch out of my comfort zone and into a political activism club on campus. After meeting some people at the fall involvement fair, I ended up joining the Planned Parenthood Generation Action club (PPGen for short). This spring semester I served on the executive board as secretary and I was just recently elected president for next fall! I am super excited about this and that is why I would like to give a short introduction about the importance of having a PPGen at Penn State and inform you all about some of what types of things we do on campus and beyond in helping others.
There is currently no Planned Parenthood near State College, so the focus of our club is more on politics and current events that Planned Parenthood is involved in. Most anti-Planned Parenthood people tend to argue that this organization provides so many abortions, etc., etc., but never really recognize how involved they are in politics, voter registration, and pushing for solutions to important issues of these natures.
The most common activity that we as a Penn State club do is phone banking for important issues of the time. This past year these events have mainly been focused on defending DACA and the Affordable Health Care Act. Protecting Dreamers and providing affordable health care are issues that are relevant to our campus, because you never know who around you may be at risk of deportation now or who cannot afford to go see a doctor anymore thanks to recent changes in legislation by a certain someone.
On a different note and separate from Planned Parenthood’s nationwide agenda, PPGen at Penn State has discussed the issue of unprotected sex around campus. To help stop the spread of STDs and help lower the risk of unwanted pregnancy in our area, we have been handing out free condoms. (Specifically, we have been handing them out in front of the Willard preacher, which has been both a good laugh and a realization of how toxic that man is to Penn State.) The university health center does provide free condoms to anyone who asks for them, but the process is a little confusing and not many people actually take advantage of this resource. Other than that, many argue that because condoms are somewhat expensive, they aren’t worth buying (news flash: box of condoms = less than $20, care for one child = over $1 million). We hope that by providing free condoms to students, they will be more likely to use them instead of opting for unprotected sex.
Although our activities are wrapping up for the end of the semester, we do still have one major event planned: a HUB takeover in honor of April being sexual health and STD awareness month. The goal of this event is to educate students about many different topics concerning sexual health, STDs, and just sex in general.
If any of you are interested in the few events that I have listed above and would like to hear about more that we do or how to join PPGen next year, please leave a comment below or talk to me in person!