How to Use “Clickers”
Impact on Learning
Assessment Strategies
“Clickers” in Canvas
Relevant Technologies
Things to Consider
Clickers, a type of student response system (SRS), have been around for many years. Similar to the type of feedback systems made popular through game shows that ask the audience to “weigh in,” clickers allow students to answer questions and give feedback anonymously. Data from students’ responses is gathered and aggregated, allowing the instructor to gauge how much learning impact their instruction has made. If the majority of the students in a class are unable to answer correctly, the topic may need to be covered again, more thoroughly, or by using another instructional approach. Clickers can also help students engage with each other while interacting with complex materials.
In her 2023 article, “Clickers: The Ultimate Guide,” Persaud summarizes the history and evolution of clicker technology. She states that “modern clickers can also be mobile devices students already own, including smartphones, laptops and tablets.” These modern clicker systems may no longer have physical buttons that “click,” but in exchange they offer more robust features for student interaction, data collection, and reporting than older technology. No matter how a specific clicker system is implemented, according to Persaud (2023), all share the same goal:
The goal of a clicker system is to provide a more active learning experience for students. By aiding in delivering lectures more successfully, instructors are able to more effectively gauge student understanding throughout the semester, instead of just twice a year during examination time. Clickers are no longer just simple tools for polls and attendance but have become fully integrated systems that make student learning more active and engaging. (section 2, para. 7)
How to Use “Clickers”
The following are some of the ways this teaching approach is used to engage students:
- checking for prior knowledge
- class-wide discussion giving every student a voice in the conversation
- critical thinking considering what-if scenarios or case-based questions
- exam review; going over each question showing the correct answer and discussing why it is the best answer
- formative assessment to determine whether the majority of the class comprehends the material covered
- instructional improvement covering material in a different way when the formative assessment shows the information was not understood
- quizzes
- student written questions
Impact on Learning
Using clickers in instruction can impact learning through:
- having students participate anonymously, making it easy for everyone to participate without the risk of public failure
- creating a gaming atmosphere that students find more engaging than traditional class discussion or lecture
- engaging students in active learning throughout the class period
- gauging their level of understanding of the material being presented
- providing an opportunity for prompt feedback to student questions
- increasing instructor-student, student-content, and student-student interactions and improving the learning experience and learning outcomes
Assessment Strategies
Clickers can be used for formative assessment to determine where students are in terms of learning the course content. Since clickers make questioning and feedback quick and easy to do, it can be used frequently, giving great insight into students’ progress without investing a lot of time or effort. With the information gained, instructors can adjust to students’ learning needs in real-time, based on responses.
By using clickers in large-enrollment courses, instructors can foster a sense of students’ belonging to a learning community in the classroom. By engaging students through formative assessment using clickers, there is an increase in student retention and success because they are actively participating in the learning process.
Students reported that using clickers in the classroom helped to improve their learning, enhance formative assessment, and increase participation (Sheng et al., 2019).
“Clickers” in Canvas
Penn State provides students and faculty with Top Hat, Penn State’s student response system and learning engagement platform. During class, instructors can use Top Hat to drive discussions, take live polls, and give students real-time feedback. When using Canvas with Top Hat, you can poll students in your classroom and the polling data will synchronize into the Canvas Gradebook.
Relevant Technologies
Clicker apps can often be downloaded for free and used in the classroom with a device owned by the student such as a laptop, tablet, or cell phone.
- Poll Everywhere is free and can be used with PowerPoint or any other type of presentation.
- GoSoapBox is a student response app for use in the classroom. Using web-enabled devices, instructors conduct formative assessments and gain real-time insight into student comprehension.
- Slido is free and can be used to engage students with live polls and Q&A.
- Mentimeter is free and can be used to engage students with word clouds, polls, and quizzes.
- Socrative has a free version that can be used to engage students with polls and quizzes.
Social networking apps can also be used by students to submit their observations and answers in real time.
- Viva Engage: This tool from Microsoft (formerly called Yammer) includes the option for polling students with specific questions as well as allowing for free flow of threaded discussion, linking of additional resources, and uploading related files.
- Instagram Stories: This is a free photo- and video-sharing app available on iPhone and Android. With Stories, you can share photos, text-only screens, and videos with students. Polls can be added to Instagram Stories for student responses or feedback. Note: Instagram Stories content is only available for 24 hours.
Things to Consider
For successful implementation of using clickers or student response systems, you should consider the following tried and true recommendations (Robertson, 2000):
- Keep questions short.
- Have no more than five answer choices.
- Keep questions relatively simple and not overly complex.
- Keep voting straightforward.
- Allow time for discussion when planning your instruction.
- Use clickers sparingly to highlight specific points and do not overuse the system.
When implementing clickers, preparation is necessary. Both students and teachers need to have the necessary practice and training with the tool to ensure the technology enhances the learning experience rather than being a distraction or disruptive.
Briggs, C., & Keyek-Franssen, D. (2010, December 15). Clickers and CATs: Using learner response systems for formative assessments in the classroom. EDUCAUSE Review.
Bruff, D. (2010). Classroom response systems (“clickers”). Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.
Crews, T. B., Ducate, L., Rathel, J. M., Heid, K., & Bishoff, S. T. (2011). Clickers in the classroom: Transforming students into active learners. EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research.
Fastiggi, W. (2023, March 27). How to use Instagram as a teaching and resource tool. Technology for Learners.
Penn State Information Technology. (n.d.). Top Hat.
Persaud, C. (2023, July 7). Clickers: The ultimate guide [Updated 2023]. The Top Hat Blog.
Robertson, L. J. (2000). Twelve tips for using a computerised interactive audience response system. Medical Teacher, 22(3), 237–239.
Sheng, R., Goldie, C. L., Pulling, C., & Luctkar-Flude, M. (2019). Evaluating student perceptions of a multi-platform classroom response system in undergraduate nursing. Nurse Education Today, 78, 25–31.