The mid-field instruments (HD 500, nano-1 400 & nano-2 400) primarily serve as walk up instruments on a first come first served basis. Advance scheduling is not necessary for routine experiments. However, for non-routine experiments and situations, such as assisted use, training, measurements involving unstable samples, variable temperature experiments etc, advance reservation is permitted. Minimum time permitted/charged per login is 15 minutes. Users are advised to set up experiments that stretch beyond 2 hours during the afterhours (4 pm to 9 am). 3D or higher dimensional experiments should not be setup on these instruments without prior permission from the facility Director.
The spectrometer login and billing are slightly different for the individual spectrometers in this group.
HD 500 & nano-2 400: Users are required to log into these spectrometers using their iLab login credentials. Once logged into the spectrometer, users have the choice to perform their experiments manually using the topspin software or using automation through ICON-NMR.
Nano-1 400: Users need not and should not reserve time or login through iLab. This spectrometer is open 24×7 without requiring a login though iLab. However, users are requested to run their experiments only using ICON-NMR. Every PI will be provided with a login ID and Password within ICON-NMR and group members must login to ICON-NMR using this credential. New users can contact the NMR facility director to get their login credentials. At the end of each month, total time used by each group is calculated and entered to iLab as a single login for billing purposes. During the first week of each month, PI’s whose group members have accessed nano-1 will receive a backdated bill for the previous month’s spectrometer usage.