Spectrometer specific advanced training is necessary to access high field spectrometers (Bruker AVIII-850, Bruker NEO 600, Bruker AVIII-600, Bruker AVIII-500). New users who need direct access to the spectrometer are requested to contact the facility director for advanced training. Trained and authorized users can operate the spectrometer on their own. However, such users are requested to contact the facility staff before running their experiments to ensure that the spectrometer is ready to use. Please ensure that the correct probe is in place with the corresponding configuration being selected in the software. Pulse widths are calibrated on a regular basis with a standard sample and can be accessed from the prosol parameters; however, users may need to recalibrate the pulses with their own samples to achieve optimal performance of the pulse sequences.
All other users will be provided with an assisted use in full-service mode. For assisted use, samples should be sent to the facility director with a general description about the chemical properties of the sample and required experiments. In case the user is unable to determine which experiment is suitable for their purpose, please provide details about the type of information being looked for and the corresponding literature.
High-field instruments are primarily used for multi-dimensional biomolecular NMR, metabolomics etc. and users are permitted to reserve spectrometer time in bulk. However, to ensure a fair distribution of spectrometer time among the users, a ‘high field spectrometer time distribution meeting’ is held at the second to last Tuesday of every month to allocate the spectrometer time for the coming month, among the users. An email will be sent to our current high field users list requesting attendance of this meeting. If you wish to be added to this list, please contact the NMR Facility Director. Those who are unable to attend may send their request to the NMR facility director. Please open the google calendar to see this month’s spectrometer time distribution. Please note that the Google calendar is purely for scheduling convenience; users still need to login via iLab to run their experiments.
Walk -up users and external users will be accommodated based on the availability of spectrometer time on a first come first served basis.