This blog started off because at the time I was listening to quite a lot of rap, but that’s obviously not all that I listen to. Recently you have read about my favorite JPOP artists and why I like them. I will go back to a few more rap artists that I enjoy soon, but for now, I think it is time to write about another artist in a different genre I enjoy: DJ S3RL.

This DJ has been producing rave music for just over 15 years and has carved out his place in the sub-genre of EDM known as “Happy Hardcore”. The attributes of these songs are synthetic kicks, high female vocals, and a countermelody made from programming it into a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). An interesting fact about his music is that nearly every song is at 175 bpm so that mixing the songs together is easy.

I know that EDM certainly isn’t for everyone but I have always found DJ S3RL to be a cut above the rest. His music is always fun and is able to pull me out of a mood I happen to be in. You would not believe how much energy the music can give you if you just let the music take over. My favorite things of his are his mixes. An hour to an hour and a half long video with visuals that mash, mix, and intertwine the music he has produced since his previous mix. My favorite mix is from his 10 year anniversary; this mix has many of the songs that have made him who he is and I will link my favorite mix of his that he has made, but keep in mind that he has made 12 overall and they are all fantastic.

10 Years of S3RL

EDM is a genre where dissecting the lyrics does not do the music justice, so I would recommend listening to the first 15-30 seconds of the previously linked video and deciding for yourself how much you are willing to listen to. I will say for the record that I have listened to this specific mix at least 40 times and it is an hour long. If you recognize any of the songs, it will likely be some of his moreĀ unbecoming songs. I promise that even though he does include really unfitting lyrics into some of his music, it shouldn’t detract from the quality of the EDM. A few of his songs are pure shock factor and I would highly recommend avoiding those, although one of those happens to be my favorite song of his. If that’s more your cup of tea, please comment so and I can link some of his avant-garde songs as well.

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