Fun "Do It Yourself" Projects

Step By Step Instructions on Tackling Fun and Easy Do It Yourself Projects

Life Hacks

on February 21, 2018

This week I decided to come up with a list of useful life hacks. Everyone’s trying to save as much time and energy as they possibly can nowadays with the busy schedules they are juggling. Also, I have been consistently writing passion blogs that are more focused on DIY Projects and feel the need for a little change of pace:

  1. Use a straw to remove the stem and seeds of a strawberry. It is always annoying when you are eating your strawberries and continuously having to pick out the leafy stem part of the fruit. Instead, just poke a straw right through the middle of all of your strawberries when preparing them. It will make for a much less stressful snack 🙂
  2. Do you ever really want an ice cold soda but you forgot to put them in the fridge to cool off the night before? Well, here’s a life hack if you ever encounter this situation: wrap the beverage that you want to be cold with a paper towel and place it in the freezer. In just 15 minutes the beverage will be ice cold and ready for you to drink as if you put it in the fridge the night before.
  3. When lighting a candle it can sometimes be hard to light the actual wick, as it is very hot and may burn your hand. To prevent this, just light the end of a piece of spaghetti and light the candle with that
  4. If you ever draw on yourself or accidentally mark yourself with permanent marker, its usually very hard to get the mark off of your body. To remove the mark, scrub it with a highlighter to neutralize it (make sure its a highlighter you don’t care about because it will be ruined afterwards) and then wash the mark off with soap and water
  5. Easy way to peel a hard boiled egg: crack the top and the bottom, making a little section on both ends. Then lightly hold the egg between your fingers and blow on one side until the egg pops out (it works really well, I use this trick all the time)
  6. How to cure hiccups: I know you have probably heard of millions of remedies for hiccups but this one actually works. Every single time I try this trick my hiccups disappear almost instantly. All you have to do is take a shot of apple cider vinegar (I know, it sounds disgusting but trust me it’s worth it)

The list of life hacks is seriously never endless. I never realized that there were so many tricks to doing such basic and everyday things, but now I know. From now on, whenever I have trouble with something or am struggling, I won’t waste any time and will go straight to google for assistance 🙂

– Em

5 Responses to “Life Hacks”

  1. Jay says:

    I personally have tried life hacks before and haven’t had much success with them except for the paper towel soda one. Whenever I see videos of lifehacks I think their clickbait but the ones you talk about so simple and I don’t know how I would even mess them up. So on that note, I’ll definitely try some of these out and once again, great blog!

  2. Mike Pagan says:

    I have always been a fan of life hacks. Such simple accessibly solutions to the tedious problems in life. I especially enjoyed the strawberry related life hack. I usually resort to pulling off the leaves and just eating the whole thing: chewing the stem is more worth while than fumbling with a way to remove it. I will certainly try this in the future along with the other useful hacks you have mentioned in this post.

  3. Adriana says:

    Okay, the “lighting candles with the end of spaghetti” hack is so ingenious and kind of crazy. I wonder who thinks of all of these resourceful tricks for every day tasks – I know I certainly could never be that creative. These hacks seem so useful for what I’ll be doing home during spring break, so I’ll be sure to whip out this post when I need it!

  4. Abby Riggio says:

    Life hacks never fail to blow my mind as I always wonder who decided to try these somewhat wacky ways of doing things. However, I really loved reading this blog because I love learning new (and easier) ways of doing things. I love strawberries and will definitely have to try that life hack the next time I have some.

  5. Cassady Potts says:

    I like that you blogged about life hacks this week because I am always looking for easy and efficient ways to do something. Whenever I have the hiccups I can never seem to get them to go away. I’ll try apple cider vinegar next time!

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