Your story is unique. We’re inviting you to share it with others in a Human Library. Imagine a place where readers are able to “check out” a Human Book and engage that book in “conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue.” ( It’s a way for ordinary people to open up and share their experiences with others in a supportive and safe environment.
There are no limits to the people who can participate as books. We all have a story, and there are plenty of people out there willing to listen. To see an example of a Human Library experience at Glendale Community College in Arizona, please view this video: .
The Human Library is coming to Pattee/Paterno Library on February 13, 2019 (backup date February 20). We are currently recruiting Human Books to be in our Library. Our aim is to “shelve” a wide variety of books. We thought you might like to share your story. If so, please fill out this short survey by to tell us more about yourself.