Uh-oh, It’s the Po-Po


You’ve all heard the horror stories – past graduates from your high school, friends and maybe even family members heading off to college and getting stamped with underages or having run-ins with the cops the second they get to campus. Let’s face it – college instills a huge sense of freedom in all of us. I mean it is the first time where we can literally do whatever we choose. Sadly, this reality can lead many to a false sense of security – one that causes them to do things they would never normally do.


Here at Penn State, being widely recognized as one of the top party schools in the country can easily lead incoming students to the assumption that they need to get out of control to live up to this reputation. Well, I can assure you that it is fully possible to enjoy the wild weekends here without having to make a dreaded phone call to mom and dad the next morning.

Here’s my best tips on how to enjoy your time here at Happy Valley without acquiring a criminal record in the process.


1. Always keep your ID with you – You will probably hear this from your RA a thousand times when you move in, but it’s important for incoming students to know. Though many of you may be thinking that leaving your ID at home is the perfect way to avoid being identified, trust me when I say that it doesn’t work. If you were to be approached, there are plenty of techniques cops can use to identify you, and refusing to hand over your ID or leaving it at home will only make you seem guiltier.

2. Never lie – Whether from your parents, teachers or mentors, you’ve heard it all before – “honesty is the best policy”. However, when dealing with university police, I promise you it truly is. Just as refusing to identify yourself will only make matters worse, lying will make whatever situation you are in a thousand times more difficult than it needs to be. No one responds well to lying, and no matter how scary the consequences may be, they will only get worse if you’re caught in a lie. The best thing to do in any situation involving law enforcement is to take a deep breath, tell them what they need to know and do what they ask of you. Accept the fact that your reputation is in their hands – your pride can recover some other time.


3. Look out for yourself – This one is always hard for some people to accept but it’s something that has to be said. Though you should try your best not to associate with people who are going to act stupid in the first place, there may be times when you’re out with friends who are just asking to be arrested. Whether they’re stumbling over themselves or carrying red solo cups out into the street, you don’t want to be there when their actions attract a cop. Try your best to warn them of their behavior first, but if they choose not to listen, there is no shame in walking away.  I know that leaving your friends goes against everything we learned in kindergarten but sometimes you have to do what is best for you. If you’re worried about being rude, simply explain that you need to go home for some reason or have to make a phone call and excuse yourself from the situation. Your friends will get over it, and an awkward encounter is well worth a clean record.

4. Don’t be stupid – In the end, this is what it all comes down to. Practicing common sense is something you’ve been doing since you were little and it shouldn’t stop once you get to college. I’ve learned that remaining in control of yourself is all it takes to avoid having an unwanted encounter with the authorities. You only do college once and the last thing you want to do is look back on all the ruined nights you had (not to mention all the money you’d have to pay).  So go out, have fun, make memories and be sure to make it home safe. You have a bright future ahead of you – don’t mess it up.









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