Prada becomes more than a purse

Prada has opened an exclusive private club in Paris for a few days during Paris Couture Week. Prada introduced their private club in 2018. The club has already landed in Miami and Hong Kong during Art Basel, and in London for the Frieze Art Fair. Now the club has moved to  Paris for it’s fourth rendition. The club opened Sunday and Monday, during the couture shows in Paris. The very famous and elite restaurant Maxim’s was used as the venue. About a thousand invitees were handpicked by Prada, including international supermodel, Gigi Hadid.

“My interests often take me to think about projects beyond fashion,” said Miuccia Prada. “Mode is one of these events, offering a familiar place to extend the art experience into the social; a place where people are welcome to think freely and discuss, not forget to have fun.”

This is definitely positive PR for Prada. The article portrays the event as elite, A-list, exclusive, and private. Prada has created something so exclusive, an experience that money can’t buy. Exclusivity is something Prada has always used, but it is changing it from beyond a purse, to a lifestyle. Prada is portraying a message of even more exclusivity than ever before. The type of exclusivity that money cannot buy. This is a super powerful move a brand can make. Brands expand into hotels, cafes and increasingly, form their own elite, insider-only communities.

 The audience being reached is those reading the style section of the New York Times. This audience is very specific and probably only made it to the eyes of those lovers of style, fashion, and art. Public perceptions: This would have a positive perception from the targeted public, where the audience can dream that one day they can attend an event as luxurious and exclusive as this.  

The next step for Prada’s Public Relations people should be to work on their next pop up club. New York City is another major city with a huge fashion influence that Prada’s club has not yet reached. With New York Fashion Week approaching, occurring the weekend of February 6th to 9th, I would expect to see Prada’s pop up club. They should work on their most elite guest list ever, and encourage these guests to post shots of the event of their social media. I would love to see the most A-list celebrities I follow at the event, and giving me and other fans a sneak peek. To turn around the insider invite only, Prada could host a competition where one lucky winner gets to attend the event.

This is Public Relations generated by Prada to increase the exclusivity and lifestyle of the brand. The goal is for everyone to dream of this life, filled with luxury, expensive goods, and privacy. Prada’s mission statement is “Careful observation of and curiosity about the world, society, and culture are at the core of Prada’s creativity and modernity. This pursuit has pushed Prada beyond the physical limitations of boutiques and showrooms, provoked an interaction with different and seemingly distant worlds, and introduced a new way to create a natural, almost fashionless fashion.” The pop up event definitely lives out Prada’s mission and successfully achieved their goals as a brand.


Medium: Article

Vehicle: New York Times

Reporter/Writer/email: Kerry Olsen 

Date: Jan 20 2020

Headline/section/page: Inside Prada’s Pop-Up Private Club / Style section 

Company/Business involved: Prada 


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