Ideas for TED Talk

One of the potential ideas I have for my TED talk is the transition from people being proud of solely attending college to the pressure for students to be admitted to the most prestigious university (and the stress on younger people that comes along with this).  Another idea I have is based off of an article I read in a Time book about the adverse affects on people, particularly children, of environmental poisons.  These toxins can surprisingly be found in simple places around the house and in everyday items such as toothpaste and lipstick.  The concept of the article is ultimately to educate citizens about alternative ways of handling products rather than just disposing them to landfills, and I could discuss this topic in detail during my talk.

One thought on “Ideas for TED Talk

  1. I think the idea of college for the TED talk is interesting. Another educational idea that I find polarizing is the social pressure for everyone to go to college. Imagine being that kid who wasn’t college bound in your senior year of high school; clearly that would be an unpleasant feeling. However, I’m not sure college is for everyone. Some kids simply don’t enjoy classrooms and textbooks, and those kids shouldn’t be pressured to go to college.

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