Apple Silhouettes Ads

Lately I’ve been very curious to learn about the company of Apple, their strategies, and the mind of Steve Jobs. Although they address their customer needs better than any competitor, their ad campaign has been always an extremely effective tool to sell iPods, Macs, iPhones, etc. When thinking of Apple ad campaigns, the most memorable seem to be the iPod campaign of 2004-2005 for its spectacular usage of pathos.

These were the commercials that looked like this, if you can’t recall.

Notice the iTunes + iPod text at the end? Once this ad campaign aired, iTunes and the iPod became household items. Why so effective?

Apple goes straight for the emotions, the most powerful force in rhetoric. The viewer sees the many iPod silhouette users as young, fit individuals who are absolutely amazing dancers. The forty seconds are not filled with any serious background speakers. There isn’t even a funny plot to put the viewer in a good mood. In contrast, the ad says the iPod rocks, and it makes the user want to rock too. There are not awards mentioned or statistical improvements that have been made. Apple assumes the viewer will check the specs out at a later date. The effectiveness of Apple is that it hits the buyer in the face with fun. Aside from the dancers, the bright, dynamic background enhances the viewer’s excitement.

Why does Apple succeed? Like Kid Cudi would say, “The ones that make it complicated never get congratulated.” They take a simple ad and make it cool. Although saying it is cool is not a very intellectual way to describe a product, Apple products basically became a fashion statement after these ads were launched. I remember downloading iTunes and putting an iPod on my Christmas list after seeing these ads. They had such advanced technology, and presented it in a way that the entire world could relate to it: A dance party.

Great engineering, with even better marketing.

3 responses to “Apple Silhouettes Ads

  1. The real genius behind the Apple business model is their profit model! They don’t actually sell that many computers compared to some of their competitors, yet their margins are awesome. Not only do they make their gadgets hip, but they also make them luxurious.

  2. Rachael Knodel

    I think the reason they worked so well is because it was so original. Fun ads aren’t very common, and silhouettes are even less common. Apple has always been innovative with their products and their ads. I think that’s a huge part of why they are so successful. These ads definitely made me even more jealous of my sisters’ iPod minis.

  3. Apple’s growth in popularity over these part several years has been incredible. I never imagined myself to become an Apple guy but once my mother switched to the iPhone she decided to get our entire family iPhones as well as my grandmother. Then, she decided to try out the MacBook Air and later my family decided to switch all of our computers in the household to Apple products. Now we are completely faithful Apple customers.

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