Paradigm Shift Topic Idea

A topic for a paradigm shift that i have decided to dissect, is what are the reasons young celebs go rotten. The main reason I have decided to chose this topic is because it honestly does fascinate me as to why, HUGE pop stars, actors, and musicians, turn bad at certain age. Prime examples would be: Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, Amanda Bynes, etc. Each and everyone of these celebs were all “goody goodies” at one point in time. Miley cyrus even went on an interview and criticized other celebrities who did drugs and mentioned that she would never even get close, yet its clearly obvious she had a tough time keeping her promise. Some research question that I’ll use would be: “Is it the media’s fault?” “It is family problems” “Anger managment?” etc. Basically I’ll be researching possible topics to as why this dramatic change occurs.

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