Gay-marriage picks up significant steam.

Something I recently saw in the news that caught my attention is the growing acceptance amongst the general demographic in response to gay-marriage. According to a recent poll conducted by ABC, 58% of people are now in favor of gay-marriage which I find to be a very impressive milestone in the fight for equal rights. To provide context for the significance of this particularly high support, only 6 years ago in 2007 public support of gay-marriage was only at 36%.  This sudden influx in support for gay-marriage could potentially have been caused by a push from several key influential political figures. Just the other day former secretary of state and suspected presidential candidate for 2016 came out in support for gay-marriage. On top of that, last year both President Obama and Vice President Biden came out publicly in support of gay-marriage.

From everything I’ve seen, over the next decade there should be several progress in the fight for gay-marriage. With nine states plus the district of columbia allowing same-sex marriage and a large push for legislation in Illinois gay-marriage efforts are certainly picking up the pace. Furthermore, several social issues that used to be very party specific are crossing parties lines and becoming more bipartisan. Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio just recently revealed that his son is gay and also publicly in support of gay-marriage. In fact, 81% of americans under the age of 30 are in favor of gay-marriage which is a hell of a lot of people. If I look at simply my age group, to be against gay-marriage would be a statistical anomaly based on those numbers. So as we look forward and we see older generations die off and the rest of the older folk adjust to the growing social norm it shouldn’t be long before we have a country in which individuals who recognize as homosexuals have the opportunity to reap the benefits of gay-marriage and final have a chance to be happy.