I have chosen Hilary Clinton’s Women’s Rights are Human Rights speech as my artifact to analyze. The first thing that drew me into the speech was the fact that I consider myself to be a feminist, so obviously I am going to have an interest in this and enjoy writing about it. I think it is very important for women to be on an equal playing field as men, and I believe that Hilary Clinton is a good representative to be able to bring us to that point. Then once I started looking into it more, she is addressing a very clear target audience. She does this by addressing women in general, but brings everyone together by saying that women are alike in more ways than not. A unique quality about this speech is that it was given in Beijing as part of theĀ United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, so it doesn’t just limit her message to one place.Then once you begin to dive farther into it, there are numerous ideologies and commonplaces present throughout, even going as basic as “what it means to be viewed as a woman.” I think this speech is very complex and there is a lot that I can analyze and do with this essay.

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