Persuasive Essay/Advocacy Project Topic

1. What topic do you plan to write about? Why? (Be specific here. Don’t just say “green energy” but explain what aspect(s) of green energy you plan to write about.)

I plan to write about how people should increase their anonymity on the internet. I haven’t done quite enough research yet to be specific about how anonymous they should be/what they should do, but I do having a secure browser use is a good start.  I think people should be aware that everything they do can be easily tracked by the government  (and corporations [GOOGLE]) and take action accordingly.

2. Who is the specific audience for your essay. (Don’t say “the general public,” “teenagers,” or “students.”) Be specific about to whom you’re writing and why they do (or should) care about this issue. Why do they need to read your essay?

I think my audience will predominantly be people use use the internet a lot for social networking, blogging, and shopping. Also gmail users–google reads every email to better direct advertising (and yet I use gmail….)!!!!People don’t realize how much personal information can be so easily found. There’s not only damage that can be done not only by individuals with bad intentions (like those who steal identities) or by employers who snoop applicants’ facebooks, but also the government.

3. What is the purpose of your essay? That is, what do you want your readers to think or consider when they’ve finished reading?

The purpose of my essay is to get people to be more cautious about their activity on the internet. Also, it is to promote awareness for the idea of internet anonymity. People can walk around and pay in cash at stores without being traced. However, you buy something on ebay and the records say exactly what you did. This should not be the case (at least, all the time). Anonymity, to a certain extent, is a right that can be losed if we don’t try to exert it!

4. What kind of research will you need to do to make your claims persuasive?

I need to do some technical research… finding out how computers are tracked through the internet and what exactly is being tracked. Additionally, I need to find out how much can legally be tapped into by the government, and what is actually being tapped into–they don’t always match up! Additionally, there is a lot of literature on the movement for anonymity on the web that I can tap into.

5. Answer questions 1 and 2 on page 44 in ARCS about kairos.

1) Have recent events made the issue urgent right now, or do I need to show its urgency or make it relevant to the present? Will a history of the issue help in this regard?

I think there has already been growing concern about the amount of personal information available to the world these days. I can start from that original worry, but I’m definitely bringing the issue up a few notches. It’s not just about putting less information out there–it’s about trying to leave fewer traces of your activity on the web.

2) What arguments seem to be favored by what groups at this time? That is, which communities are making which arguments? How are their interests served by these arguments?

I think people who fear malicious activity on the internet would be opposed to the idea of increased anonymity. Not being traced means that you can do a lot without any consequences. However, people who desire more personal freedom would most likely be willing to take the risk of “bad stuff” going on. The thing is, I think most people don’t think it’s much of a problem. I don’t know if it’s a pressing issue, but I think it’s important to begin considering because it could turn into 1984 (or something like it) without us being aware of it.

Advocacy Project Ideas:

1. Posters/fliers explaining how much information people can find out from your web browsing. Also how easy and legal it is to get that information. It would probably be something that would play on people’s fear of oppressive/intrusive government. Maybe I’d put them around campus. The target audience would be internet users… which is a lot of people.

2. Giving a TED-talk like presentation about anonymity on the internet. It would be targeted at those interested in retaining personal freedom. Small government supporters. It would show yet another way the government is so intrusive

3. I would probably need other people for this one… Standing outside with posters that have facts about how much the government can find out about your internet activity. Kinda like the flier idea, except I would be out there talking to people. I might want a few other people with me so I don’t look like a crazy conspiracy theorist. Although then maybe we’d just look like a group of conspiracy theorists.

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2 Responses to Persuasive Essay/Advocacy Project Topic

  1. Will Broaddus says:

    I think you have a very relevant topic that is worth discussing. I think one thing you should be aware of is making sure you find research that radically changes peoples ideas of what they do everyday. I mean, we use the internet everyday now for convenience, mobility, and speed. You have to prove to people why they should care more about their privacy than habits of their everyday lives. Not necessarily that they should stop using the internet but that they should be more cautious rather than just going along with everything they see. I really like the TED-Talk idea because it is very relatable to the internet. You should do something creative with the viewing option though. A TED-Talk would be an easy way to present options and methods for being safer on the internet. Plus it will easily show your idea of how we can be better compared to the average internet user.

  2. Anna Chen says:

    There isn’t a connection between your persuasive blog and mine but I talk about anonymity in my passion blog. I think that it’s very relevant especially with social networking sites like twitter and facebook taking over our society. I think that you can make your essay more specific by addressing a certain age cohort that use one specific networking site like facebook. In order to get people to worry about their use of the internet, you have to show the consequences. I am not sure how many articles there are online about this type of internet use (specifically, examples.) Your idea is very interesting and I think it would apply very well to us. I would really enjoy reading your paper and I’m glad you thought out of the box! Good luck.

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