
Coming into the Web 2010 conference, I was hoping to learn more about Google Wave.  Thanks to Robin Smail, Audrey Romano, Daniel Frommelt, Steven Lewis, and Chad Killingsworth for all of their work and insights!  I had been in Wave only a few times previous to the conference, so just having the time to play was worth it.  It reminds me of my Calculus class from high school.  It seems like you aren’t learning until the light goes on all of a sudden.  Although there are holes in the current product, it has unlimited potential to consolidate communication.  So many of us are in so many places and its hard to stay on top of all of them.  Google Wave would all for real-time interaction on projects.  There is a chat feature.  There are tons of gadgets which integrate into the Wave like MIndMeister for brainstorming, Video Chat Experience for face-to-face conferencing, Tasky for establishing and assigning group tasks, Yes/No/Maybe Gadget for polling…  The list goes on and on.  If you have programming skills, you can even create more gadgets or robots.  Robots can be programmed to automate certain tasks within the Wave.  From what I can see this tool, although not user-friendly today, will allow for the next level communication that we are all looking for.  Please add your thoughts and perspectives!

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